Emergency Heating & Furnace Repair in Gravenhurst

You don’t have to panic when facing a heating emergency. Call the HVAC experts at Central Heating for fast, 24 hour heater repair service in Gravenhurst.

Central Heating offers a 24-hour fast, friendly emergency heating repair service seven days a week. We know how busy your life is and how much you depend on your heating system during winter, and when you have a problem, you need an emergency heating repair company you can count on.

When you call us for emergency repair service, you speak to a live operator 24 hours a day — never a recording or answering service.

Central Heating - Gravenhurst Heating Services

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When to Call a 24 Hour Heating Repair Service

Here in Gravenhurst, a reliable heating system is essential to your comfort, safety, and health. When temperatures dip below freezing, the last thing you need is for your furnace to give up.

However, while not every heating problem warrants calling for emergency repairs, here are some situations when it’s best not to wait.

What Is The Weather Outlook?

Mild winter temperatures reduce the urgency significantly when you have heater problems. However, if temperatures are below freezing and they look to stay that way, it’s best to call for emergency repairs to ensure your system can provide the comfort and safety you and your family need.

How Long Do You Have To Wait For Help?

If your furnace breaks down during the week when it’s easy to schedule an appointment for same or next-day repairs, then you probably don’t need emergency service. However, if the furnace stops running at the end of the week or during a holiday, it’s better to call for help as soon as possible.

The heating professionals at Central Heating are standing by, ready to help you with your heating repairs 24 hours a day.

5 Benefits of Annual Heater Maintenance

Your furnace or heater is built to last and run reliably for years. However, many people forget about heater maintenance or think it’s a waste of money.

But, furnace maintenance is a crucial household chore you shouldn’t ignore and here’s why.

Lower Utility Bills

Your furnace is one of the biggest energy consumers in the house, and it’s common for your energy bills to spike during winter. However, if you notice your utility bills are higher than average, routine heating maintenance and tune-ups can bring energy costs under control.

Extended Furnace Lifespan

Routine heater maintenance is an excellent way to replace worn-out parts and fix minor issues before they escalate into something that causes irreparable system damage. It’s true that furnace maintenance costs money, but it’s a drop in the bucket compared to furnace replacement.

Reduced Chance of Breakdown

A seasonal furnace inspection and tune-up keeps parts lubricated and the system running at peak performance, virtually eliminating the chance of sudden system failure when you need it most.

Ensures Your Family’s Safety

Because safety is a top priority, it’s wise to hire a professional HVAC technician for comprehensive system maintenance and inspection to ensure there are no gas leaks or other issues that could compromise your family’s health and safety.

Better Performance

A system running at peak capacity provides you and your family with more comfort than a system that’s in disrepair. In many cases, a system that’s been neglected can’t distribute heat evenly through the home, which means you end up with some rooms much colder than others.

Contact the pros at Central Heating to learn how affordable our furnace maintenance service is.

If you’re still on the fence about hiring us, please check out our customer reviews, then call us to schedule your appointment.

How To Know It’s Time To Replace Your Furnace

Your furnace sits idle and forgotten for many months out of the year. However, once the temperatures reach the freezing mark, it becomes the most important appliance in your home.
Although modern heaters and furnaces are built to run reliably for years, nothing lasts forever, and eventually, you’ll have to replace your old system.

Here are the top five signs that it’s time to upgrade your furnace


If your furnace is older than 15 years, it’s time to plan on replacing it soon because at this stage, repairs become increasingly expensive and frequent, and putting that money towards a new heater makes more economic sense.

Increased Heating Costs

Whether your heater uses gas, electricity, or fuel, the harder it works to do its job, the more energy it uses. More energy usage translates to higher energy costs for you. If furnace maintenance or a tune-up doesn’t bring your utility costs back inline, upgrading to a new furnace may be the best option.

You Can’t Get Comfortable

Do you find yourself constantly adjusting the thermostat, but can’t get comfortable no matter what? As your heater ages, it becomes less capable at doing its job because of worn-out parts, corrosion, and deterioration. You shouldn’t have to waste time trying to get your heater to provide the heat and comfort you need. So, if your heater is past its prime and can’t keep up anymore, replacement is the best option.

Central Heating services all makes and models of home heating equipment. Contact us today in Gravenhurst at 705-214-9610.