Emergency Heating Repair in Innisfil

There’s no need to panic when your furnace fails. At Central Heating, our in-office operator is standing by 24/7 to answer your call for emergency heating repair.

Central Heating offers 24-hour fast, friendly emergency service seven days a week for all of your heating and cooling emergencies. Whether it’s a long weekend in the winter or the middle of the night, we have certified technicians ready to respond to your call as soon as possible.

Central Heating - Innisfil Heating Services

Contact us when you need a reliable 24 hour heating repair service. We’ve got you covered

How To Know When To Call For Emergency Heating Repair

In most Innisfil homes, the HVAC system is the most expensive appliance in the house, so it makes sense to protect it, so it provides you with years of reliable service.

But, when something goes wrong, you may be tempted to call a 24 hour heating repair service for immediate repairs. However, not every situation requires emergency service; some problems are fine to wait until you can schedule an appointment during regular business hours.

If you’re unsure what constitutes a heating emergency, here are a few things to consider.

Your Location & The Weather

Depending on where you live and the weather, a heating malfunction may cause you discomfort for a few hours, but it doesn’t require a technician to come out right away. But, if you’re facing below-freezing temperatures that put vulnerable housemates in danger, don’t delay; call for emergency repair as soon as possible.

How Long is the Wait?

Another factor to consider is how long you will be without heat if you wait to schedule an appointment during regular business hours. Say your furnace breaks down on Friday or at the beginning of an extended holiday; calling for emergency service makes more sense than suffering for days without heat.

Will Waiting Make The Problem Worse?

This one is a bit tougher because most people aren’t familiar enough with furnace problems to know how bad a situation is or how much worse it can become if you wait. But, if your heater is making a deafening noise or emitting a foul odour, it’s best to err on the side of caution and call for emergency repairs instead of risking further damage.

Do You Need A New Furnace Installation? These Are The Most Common Signs Saying You Do

While it’s normal to tend towards less expensive furnace repairs instead of springing for a new system, eventually, an upgrade is inevitable, and here’s how to know when it’s time.

Your Heater’s Age

Nothing lasts forever, and that includes your furnace. The average furnace will last between 12 and 15 years, so if your system is past its prime, it makes more sense to replace it than to continue sinking money into an ageing, inefficient system.

Has The Warranty Expired?

Once your furnace warranty has expired, repairs can become unbearably expensive. At that point, you could be putting that repair money towards a new, high-efficiency system that will provide better comfort and lower energy costs.

Are Your Utility Bills Going Up Every Year?

As furnaces and heaters get older, they lose efficiency, which means they use more energy to do their jobs than before and higher energy expenses for you. If your heating bills rise year after year, it’s worth it to trade in your old system for a new one to bring those energy costs under control.

Has The Repair Frequency Increased?

Furnaces tend to require more frequent repairs the older they get, so if you’ve noticed that you’ve repaired your system more than once over the last five years, it’s time to put your old system out to pasture and invest in a new model.

At Central Heating, we know how expensive furnace replacement can be, which is why we have financing options to fit virtually any budget.

6 Benefits of Annual Heating Maintenance

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” is the motto of many homeowners. However, while this might seem like sage advice, it’s bad news when it comes to your heater or HVAC system and here’s why.

More Effective Home Heating

It’s not enough for the heat coming out of the vents to be strong, it has to be even throughout the house, otherwise, you’re wasting money. A certified HVAC technician will clean and calibrate your heater so it performs at its optimal level, providing you with even heat throughout your house.

Lower Energy & Fuel Costs

When your furnace is in top form, it doesn’t have to work as hard as it would if it’s in disrepair. And when the system doesn’t have to work as hard, it doesn’t use as much energy, meaning lower energy bills for you.

Extended Lifespan

Furnaces and heaters are necessary for modern living, but they’re not cheap. When you pay hard-earned money to install a new furnace, you want it to last as long as possible, and that can only happen with annual maintenance and tune-ups.

Reduced Breakdowns

Sudden furnace failure makes life miserable, not only because of the heat loss, but because of the expense of installing a new system. With annual maintenance, your HVAC technician replaces worn out parts and checks every aspect of operation to virtually eliminate the chance of system breakdown.

Improved Air Quality

You may not realize it, but the air inside your home is often more polluted than outside. When your furnace or heater is dirty, it spreads germs, dust, pet dander, and bacteria throughout the house, which can cause a host of illnesses and respiratory problems. With routine maintenance, your system undergoes a thorough cleaning, which means you get cleaner, healthier air helping everyone to breathe easier.

Call Central Heating today to schedule our furnace maintenance service.

Before you contact another heating contractor, check out our online reviews and then call us when you need heating repair or replacement.

Central Heating Is The Go-To Heating Repair Company in Innisfil

Central Heating is a full-service heating contractor serving Simcoe County and the Muskoka District Municipality for over a decade. We provide options for purchasing new systems, furnace rentals, and installation and maintenance.

Plus, we work with all of the major brands, including Rheem, Navien, Mits, Astria, Lennox, Iron Strike, and IBC.

Book your appointment today by calling Central Heating at 705-214-9610.