Emergency Air Conditioning Repair in Orillia

Whether it’s the middle of the night or a long weekend, you can count on Central Heating in Orillia when you need a quick response for emergency AC service.

Central Heating offers a 24-hour fast, friendly emergency service seven days a week for heating and cooling emergencies. When you call us, our live operator is waiting to dispatch a certified technician as quickly as possible to solve your problem and return your life to normal.

Central Heating - Orillia Cooling Services

Contact us in Orillia or anywhere in Muskoka or Simcoe County when you need 24 hour air conditioner repair.

When to Call for Emergency AC Service

Modern air conditioners are rugged systems designed to run without issue for years. However, depending on your usage, these machines are prone to wear and tear, and if not routinely maintained, can break down when you need them most.

Not every air conditioner problem requires calling for emergency repairs, but here are several situations that could be warranted.

Unusual Noises

If your air conditioner is making sounds you’re not used to hearing; it’s indicative of trouble in the machine. Sounds like grinding, squealing, or rattling could mean you have a loose part or malfunctioning component. Failing to deal with this quickly could lead to bigger issues requiring air conditioner replacement.

Inconsistent Cooling

Have you noticed inconsistent temperatures throughout the house? As your air conditioner ages and parts wear out, it struggles to maintain the desired temperature, and you end up with rooms cooler than others. This problem doesn’t just mean reduced comfort, it means higher energy bills as the system works harder.

Fluid Leaks

Leaking fluid from your air conditioner could be caused by a problem with the condensation coil or it could be refrigerant. Leaking water or other fluids can damage walls and lead to the growth of mould and mildew.

Electrical Issues

Do your lights flicker or dim when the air conditioner is running or does it constantly trip the breaker? This problem usually occurs in older homes with substandard electrical systems, but any time you have electrical issues when running your air conditioner should be a cause for alarm, as it could lead to irreparable system damage.

If you’re not sure if an air conditioner problem warrants calling a professional HVAC technician, it’s best to air on the side of caution and be safe instead of sorry.

The Dangers of Ignoring AC Repairs

Many homeowners mistakenly think they can put off air conditioner repair so long as the system still works. However, this lapse in judgment can have significant and costly repercussions down the road, and here are just a few.

The Problem Will Likely Get Worse

If you’re having what seems like minor issues with your air conditioner, know that they’re not going to go away on their own. Minor problems have a tendency to quickly escalate into costly repairs if you don’t deal with them as soon as they crop up.

Your Air Conditioner May Break Down When You Need it Most

Imagine a day when the heat becomes unbearable, making the house humid and stuffy, and you crank up the air conditioner for relief to find the system won’t power on. When your system gets to this state, it usually requires major repairs or replacement to solve the problem.

The Humidity Levels Will Build Up

If your air conditioner isn’t working properly, your home becomes hotter and more humid, making indoor life unbearable. When humidity levels rise in the home, they can cause problems like warped wood furniture, wet stains, and the buildup of mould and mildew.

Your Energy Expenses May Skyrocket

When your air conditioner is in a state of disrepair, it may take forever for the system to cool your home. As a result, it will run longer and longer to achieve the desired temperature, which means higher energy bills for you to pay.

Instead of ignoring minor air conditioner issues and putting your system at risk of failure, call the cooling experts at Central Heating and ask about our AC maintenance service to nip these problems in the bud before they have the chance to wreak havoc.

Check out our online reviews and see what others say about our work.

Benefits of Air Conditioner Maintenance

Many Orillia homeowners have the attitude of, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Which may seem wise, but not when it comes to your air conditioner and here’s why.

Air Conditioner Maintenance Lowers Utility Costs

Routine air conditioner maintenance keeps your system running efficiently, which means it uses less energy to do its job, translating to lower energy bills.

Air Conditioner Maintenance Improves Air Quality

You may not realize it, but changing the filter, cleaning the ducts, and the air conditioner itself reduces the amount of indoor air pollution considerably, giving you and your family cleaner, healthier air.

Air Conditioner Maintenance Prevents Sudden System Failure

If you don’t think air conditioner maintenance is important, consider the cost of a routine maintenance appointment versus the cost of an air conditioner replacement. Annual AC tune-ups allow you to repair minor problems and replace worn parts before they can cause damage resulting in system failure.

Air Conditioner Maintenance Increases the System’s Lifespan

The average lifespan of an AC unit is between 10 and 15 years; however, with annual maintenance from a certified technician, many people are able to extend that time to 20 years or more. Considering the cost of air conditioner replacement, it makes sense to keep yours running for as long as possible.

Protects Your Warranty

Most AC manufacturers offer warranties on new system installations, which can save you significant cash should you need a repair down the road. However, most warranties come with the stipulation that you must perform annual maintenance from a certified technician for the warranty to remain valid. Simply put, don’t take the chance of voiding your warranty because you want to save a few bucks.

Local Reviews
for Orillia, ON

David M.

David M.

Air conditioner maintenance. Cleaned and inspected air conditioner, cleaned coil, checked capacitor and contactor. Ok. Verified operation and temperatures.ok. System operating correctly.

Near Linwood Ave, Orillia, ON L3V 2
David M.

David M.

Cleaned and inspected air conditioner. Cleaned coil, checked contractor and capacitor, ok. Checked electrical connections, ok. Checked filter and furnace, checked temperatures, ok. System operating correctly.

Near Stinson Crescent, Orillia, ON L3V 6
David M.

David M.

Check wiring for new thermostat. Customer has 5 wires present. Provided estimate for replacement thermostat.

Near Parkview Ave, Orillia, ON L3V 4
Nicholas C.

Nicholas C.

Arrived for gas smell diagnostic. Could not smell anything in the room, start both appliances (furnace and HWT) and soaped every joint. Everything checks out. Explained to customer that particularly if it’s a windy day she may get a slight smell when the furnace turns on and off. Performed combustion test. Nothing of concern found on this visit.

Near Michelle Dr, Orillia, ON L3V 1
Nicholas C.

Nicholas C.

Arrived for ticking diagnostic. Scoped out every supply and took pictures/videos of the inside of the runs via a scope and the duct patches from a recent cleaning. Found no concerning debris or flapping dampers. Ran the furnace in all modes (low/high/fan). No sounds coming from duct work during the runtimes. However, the tick can be heard when the furnace initially turns on, and when it turns off and is being cooled by the fan. The noise is coming from the duct work expanding and contracting at the very start and end of each cycle.

Near Maplewood Pkwy, Orillia, ON L3V 6

Central Heating is the go-to AC contractor in Orillia and throughout Simcoe County and the Muskoka District Municipality. Contact us online or by calling 705-214-9610.